

So, many people have asked me about this “bubble” photography that I posted not too long ago. Here's the link so you know what I'm talking about if you haven't seen it already... BUBBLES. So that everybody gets an idea of what was done here, I'll simply list the items used, then explain it.

Items required

1. Bubble blowing solution
2. Tray of some sort (10" x 10" minimum)
3. Wire/metal coat hanger
4. Large sheet of black paper (bristol board size is good)
5. Adjustable table lamp with a high watt bulb (250W+)
6. Your every trusty camera


Start by placing black paper in a curved manor, as if it were a mini backdrop to your photoshoot, up against a wall. You may want to tape it in place to ensure it stays. Follow by pouring in your bubble solution into your tray/pan until the bottom is completely covered. You'll now take your hanger and bend it out of shape, and into a large square or circle (I find a circle works best) keeping the hook intact as this will be your handle. You'll then ensure your light is shinning brightly onto your black background. Now, place your hanger in the mixture similar to that as if you were about to blow a big bubble.

With the bubble solution trapped inside your hanger, place the hanger under the light and observe as the oily mixture of bubble solution oxidizes the metal from the hanger and starts to create a rainbow effect throughout. While carefully holding the hanger at an angle in which you can see the rainbow mixture, SNAP A PICTURE ALREADY!

Et voila!

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