Folks, welcome to the failure launch of the newest and the
“not” best digital SLR in the world... The Nikon D3X.
Asides from the fact that this camera boast a 24.4 MP CMOS FX-Format (full frame) sensor equaling an image of 6,048 x 4,032 pixels, an ISO equivalent range of a mere 100 - 1,600, 5 fps (7 fps in DX crop mode), and a whopping price tag of $9,449.95 CDN. The two stats that are quite impressive don't even affect your image quality... being a start-up time of 0.12 seconds and a shutter release time lag of 0.04 seconds. WOW.
I mean honestly, even more underwhelming is that there is no significant pixel-per-second improvement over the old D3 either.
Has anybody caught on to the fact that the $5,349.95 CDN Nikon D3 shoots at 9 fps in FX format and 11 fps in DX format along with an exciting ISO equivalent range of 100 - 25,600?
I don't know about you, but I think the D3X is simply a D3 with a big white “X” painted on. The only reason someone would honestly buy this over the D3 is either because they have money to blow or they are semi-serious landscape artists... Serious landscape artist will continue to shoot with their beautifully engineered medium format
4" x 5" film.
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